
3 siskin flying over Witney early Sunday morning

- Siskins On The Move 5th September
Siskin over Charlton (per Leo) Siskin 8 over Kidlington Siskin 20+ over Sutton Courtenay Siskin 20 Cuddesdon (per AGG)...

Sally Hula was sent this photo of a Hawfinch to I.D. It visited a garden in Hailey near Witney on Sunday 24th February. ...

- Otmoor 29th November
7 Golden Plover: over. Bittern Flying in front of 1st screen (per Jack). Hen Harrier: Big Otmoor. 2 Lesser Redpoll Siskin: Flying Greenaways. Peregrine Peter Coombes The Otmoor Blogger...

- Otmoor Bittern 6th October
1 seen briefly this morning flying low over the reedbed before landing in it. Also:- 9 Little Egrets 3 Water Rail 1 Sedge warbler 5 Redpoll 2 Siskin...

- West Oxon 16th Jan
Witney Lake: Slavonian Grebe 1 Siskin 15 Dix Pit: RC Pochard 30 Teal 136 Pintail 12 YL Gull 6 (c.1000 gulls present this am) redpoll 1 Siskin 1 North Leigh/East End Common: Brambling 2 Lesser Redpoll 4...

