
North Abingdon

Spotted Flycatcher (per Peter Law)

- Prescote: 10th May
Spotted Flycatcher, in small copse north of Prescote Manor Farm...

- Claywell Hill 26th May
Spotted Flycatcher SP348054. (Mike Youngman) Spotted Flycatcher 2 yesterday Wantage SU396879  (Mark Merritt)...

- Abingdon Midday Flycatcher
Spotted Flycatcher in hedgerow with many vertical dead thin branches, around half mile upstream of Abingdon Lock on left bank. Map link on 'hedgerow' word. ...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 14th August
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 6 Spotted Flycatcher: 500m north of hill. Spotted Flycatcher: on north side of hill. 3 Willow Warbler: field north of hill. Yellow Wagtail: flew north. Hobby: catching dragonflies north of hill. Paul Chandler...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 10th August
6 Spotted Flycatcher: in garden of manor house. 5 Willow Warbler: in field 500m north of hill. Redstart: in wooded area on north side. Grey Partridge Peregrine Hobby 3 Paul Chandler Cholsey Wildlife...

