
Red-necked & Slav Farmoor (c) Alex Berryman

After Skua departure and before Gull Roost.
F1: Redshank 2; Dunlin 1 heard; Goldeneye 4; Gadwall 1; Common Gull 4 adults
Meadow Pipit 1 'resident' on causeway 2 'resident' by F1 car park
Buzzard 4; Red Kite 3
Grey Wag roaming all places
Common Darter 2 in tandem SE of F1 tempted Pied Wagtail; 2 amongst hedgerow just south of pumping station
Apache 1

(per Ian Smith)

- Farmoor Reservoir: 26th May
4 Yellow Wagtail 20:30. Pied Wagtail: 30+ (incl 5 juv). 20:40. Cuckoo: heard. 21:20 Pinkhill 3 Common Tern 20:50 F1 Kestrel: m. 20:55 Pumping station Lia Verhoeff...

- Farmoor 12.30 - 4pm Mainly Causeway
Osprey N to F2, then dropped out of sight before overflying (1.30pm) Swift 1 present for c 2 hrs; plus all 3 Hirundine species White Wag 3 causeway Yellow Wag 3+1 causeway Pied Wag Juvenile on Pumping Station roof plus adults carrying food Turnstone 1...

- Farmoor Early Pm April 1st
Black Redstart 1 Northern Wheatear 1m Sand Martin 13 Rock Pipit 1 Meadow Pipit 6+ Common Redshank 2 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Little Gull 1 ad winter Black headed Gull 1100+ Common Goldeneye 23 Little Grebe 3 Shrike Meadow Eurasian Wigeon 15 Eurasian...

- Farmoor 7.10 - 10.50
Easterly blowing throughout. 1 Scaup: F1 very probable f/imm flew to NW but not relocated. 2 Med Gull: 2y (IDS) and juv on causeway (Terry Sherlock). 4 Common San 1+ Ringed Plover: (heard only) 2 Yellow Wagtail: F2 2 Grey Wagtail 8 Sandwich Tern: sighted...

- Radley Gravel Pits 21st October
Wigeon,Teal,Gadwall,Shoveler,Pochard,Tufted duck. 3 Buzzard 1 Red kite 28 lapwing 1 Snipe 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Gull 1 Grt blk backed Gull 6 Skylark 1 Grey Wagtail 2 Cetti's Warbler 5 Siskin 2 Common darter. 1 Small Copper....

