: 15th December

: 15th December

Cottesmore Lane
24 Grey Partridge: covey of 14 and another of 10. SU638925.

Thomas Stevenson

more on the Benson & Ewelme Wildlife blog

- Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh: 26th May
Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh 2 Grey Partridge Thomas Stevenson Benson & Ewelme Wildlife...

- Benson: 10th January
Benson 11 Egyptian Goose: Flying low, south over Benson. Thomas Stevenson Benson & Ewelme Wildlife...

- Ewelme Cress Beds 3rd February
Green Sandpiper Water Rail Thomas Stevenson The Benson & Ewelme wildlife Blog...

- Dorchester: Dorchester Complex: 13th January
Dorchester: Dorchester complex 2 Egyptian Goose Thomas Stevenson more on the Benson & Ewelme Wildlife Blog...

- Dorchester Complex 21st November
2 Egyptian Goose Pintail Ewelme Cress beds 2 Water Rail Thomas Stevenson more at the superb Benson & Ewelme Wildlife...

